September 2024 Concert
Carmen - Jean Sibelius Etude in A minor Op.76 No.2
Andrew - 如果可以
October 2023 Concert
Xitong Wang - AMEB Grade 8 Piano Video Repertoire Exam Result : A [15/10/2023]
Mr.Kai - Avid-86
Andrew - Sasoribi
Susana - You are my all in all
Bella - Golden Hour
Carmen - Frightening & Weight Etude
Bella - 煙花易冷
Andrew - Moszkowski Etude Op.72 No.2
Andrew - Clementi Sonata in G minor Op.7 No.1 Mov.1
Bella - A Dandelion's Promise 蒲公英的約定
Susana - As the deer panteth
Xitong Wang - AMEB Grade 6 Piano Video Repertoire Exam A+ [12/11/2021]
Igor - Merry go round of life
Andrew - 如愿
Andrew - Rush E
Jayden & Sophie - Brahms Op.39 No.15